Jessica Morden MP Labour MP for Newport East
Young people are experiencing all sorts of new forms of abuse via technology. Last year there was a 168% increase in contacts to ChildLine about online sexual abuse.
The NSPCC is concerned that there is currently inadequate protection for children from adults who send sexual material to them (primarily over the internet).
The current law in this area is fragmented and confused, making it hard for police to deal with sexual messaging appropriately. Legislation covering this predates the widespread use of the internet and particularly social networking sites.
The NSPCC has identified a gap in the law which needs to be rectified in order to properly protect children from abuse. Drawing on legislation already passed in Scotland in 2009, the NSPCC proposes using the Serious Crime Bill to make it always illegal for an adult to intentionally send a sexual message to a child.
I support this campaign to close this loophole.